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My Mortgage Blog — Latest Posts
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is in the news again
Evan Siddall, CEO of CMHC, recently released a letter to CMHC-approved Lenders that said, in part, "There is a dark economic underbelly to this business that I want to expose”. He may be...
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Planning to Buy a Home? You’re Not Alone
Despite the havoc COVID-19 has wrought upon the economy, the dream of homeownership remains unmoved. In fact, more Canadians are now interested in purchasing a home compared to before the...
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Canada set to grow in different ways
The Canadian economy is poised to grow again, but in a very different way according to the Bank of Canada’s (BoC) recently-released Monetary Policy Report. The BoC expects global economic growth to...
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Millennials need help with home ownership
Recent reports from two of Canada’s major banks – CIBC and ScotiaBank – offer a glimpse into the world of millennials and home ownership as well as the impact of the Internet on mortgage...
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